Sustainability & ESG Reporting

Sustainability reporting software for mining & minerals

Navigate global frameworks, meet compliance regulations and meet decarbonisation targets with one digital solution customised to your plant.

The mining and minerals sector is under growing scrutiny and pressure from customers, employees, investors and legislators to be transparent and take real action on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Sustainability reporting is rapidly moving from voluntary to mandatory, with significant real-world consequences as new compliance requirements roll out.

Mining executives rank ESG as the biggest risk to their business for the third year in a row. 1

Mining and minerals organisations must now be able to produce finance-grade sustainability reports that track key sustainability indicators, including GHG emissions (Scopes 1, 2 & 3), water, energy, air quality, waste, hazardous materials, pollutants and other climate and nature-related risk factors.

To achieve this, sustainability data must be accurate, unalterable, auditable and in an approved digital format.

Satisfy ever-evolving compliance frameworks

A new era of legislated accountability has arrived, with a host of new regulations coming into force.

Significant risks of non-compliance

Failing to comply exposes organisations to many potential risks, so preparing the systems and data needed to meet granular finance-grade reporting requirements is a priority.

Inability to comply could lead to:

  • Higher administrative burdens and operational costs
  • Being blocked from importing, exporting or using certain suppliers
  • Sanctions and fines for non-reporting or inaccurate reporting
  • Loss of licence to operate
  • Reputational damage amongst employees, investors and customers
  • Loss of competitive advantage

Your journey to digital sustainability reporting

While the first step is preparing the data and tools you need to meet today’s reporting regulations, this process also equips you to progress onto more sophisticated value-adding capabilities such as:

  • Automating data capture and quality reporting across your value chain
  • Automating validation of ESG data against your plant operations using a mass and energy balance configured to your site
  • Running a steady-state simulation to enable complex forecasting, transition planning, scenario analysis and process optimisation

Wherever you are along your sustainability reporting journey, MI Sustainability provides a flexible roadmap from ticking today’s compliance boxes through to advanced environmental, social and governance (ESG) capabilities.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4 (ongoing)

Centralise and organise data from multiple sources and report according to regulatory frameworks.

Automated data capture, cleansing, organisation and validation to deliver accurate and auditable sustainability reports.

Finance-grade reporting and automated validation using a mass and energy balance and calculation of product carbon footprinting (PCF).

Granular analysis to plan, execute and evaluate your decarbonisation roadmap. It includes complex forecasting, transition planning, scenario analysis and process optimisation.

MI Sustainability Standard

MI Sustainability Advanced

MI Sustainability Expert

MI Sustainability Enterprise

Stage 1

Stage 2

Centralise and organise data from multiple sources and report according to regulatory frameworks.

Automated data capture, cleansing, organisation and validation to deliver accurate and auditable sustainability reports.

MI Sustainability Standard

MI Sustainability Advanced

Stage 3

Stage 4 (ongoing)

Finance-grade reporting and automated validation using a mass and energy balance and calculation of product carbon footprinting (PCF).

Granular analysis to plan, execute and evaluate your decarbonisation roadmap. It includes complex forecasting, transition planning, scenario analysis and process optimisation

MI Sustainability Expert

MI Sustainability Enterprise

Features MI Sustainability Standard MI Sustainability Advanced MI Sustainability Expert MI Sustainability Enterprise
Delivered as a secure cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) platform

Sustainability reporting consulting (optional)

  • Consulting to identify standards and frameworks
  • Map data required
  • Determine the materiality of each data point
  • Construct a data input list for reporting to standards and other legislative requirements
MI Sustainability software licence (including enhancements and updates)

Selection of software modules

  • Scope 1, 2
  • Scope 3
  • CSRD
  • GRI
  • ISSB (includes SASB)
  • NGER
  • Emissions factor database integration
  • TNFD
  • And more...
Manual and bulk data capture      
Automated data integration / centralisation  
Automated data organisation and validation  
Automated reporting on sustainability indicators as per legislative frameworks  
Solutions fully configured to the specific processes and chemistry of your plant    
Automated data validation using a mass and energy balance configured to your site/s    
Automated data gap calculation and analysis    
Built-in alerts and monitoring    
Set multiple custom reporting boundaries – e.g. financial, operational control, product-based    
Adjust reporting to evolving frameworks    
Product carbon footprinting (PCF)    
Audit trail to source data    
Extract data in digital machine-readable format for regulatory submissions    
Transition planning for decarbonisation targets      
Scenario analysis for varying decarbonisation initiatives, climate resilience assessments, and forecasting and budgeting      
Ongoing training and support (optional)

Digital solutions can reduce global emissions by up to 20%.
Data transparency, digital talent and partnership will be key ingredients to technology adoption at scale.2

World Economic Forum 

Why MI Sustainability?

Available as a stand-alone solution or an add-on to MI Core, MI Sustainability enables you to produce accurate data-driven sustainability reports to satisfy evolving global legislative frameworks and set and achieve decarbonisation targets.

Unique in the market, MI Sustainability is:

  • Purpose-built for complex metals and minerals organisations to handle large volumes of data points
  • Enables granular and auditable reports across Scopes 1, 2 & 3 down to climate and nature-based indicators and calculates a product carbon footprint (PCF)
  • Makes sustainability reporting and compliance easy with digital reports to meet any framework across any jurisdiction

Opportunities to lead the way

Complex mining and minerals organisations require a specialised approach to sustainability reporting. Best practice reporting requires granular mass balance tracking at every step of the production process across the value chain, which is not possible without advanced digital tools.

There are significant growth opportunities for innovative organisations willing to embrace the new data-driven era and move fast.

  • Position your organisation as a sustainability leader
  • More easily meet your compliance and sustainability goals
  • Attract premium talent, partners and capital
  • Enhance productivity by removing inefficiencies associated with manual reporting
  • Unlock new opportunities as a green supplier
  • Reduce operation costs and minimise operational and financial risks

Delivering real-world results

Digital tracking uncovers $US1.5M per year in unused power

From under reporting sulphuric acid emissions by 26% to paying millions for unused power over time, we look at three examples where our digital sustainability platform delivered tangible results.

Stake holders Stake holders Solution Security/connectivity Rosk management Solution Reporting Governance Budget ESG Big data Future workforce Fast reporting control panel activity feed  Collect data Plant wide mass balance Digital Twin Inventory Analysis Digital Transformation Compliance Data Quality Management Integration Training

Global compliance and less carbon tax for hydrometallurgical facility

Our solution helps this industrial leader in Africa meet tighter compliance regulations, track electricity use, minimise their carbon tax bill and deliver mandatory auditable reports.

Using data to reduce the carbon footprint of battery production

We empowered a battery producer to cut emissions and waste by measuring an accurate reporting baseline, setting targets and testing scenarios using steady-state simulation technology.

A full suite of software to optimise your plant

Process optimisation using a digital twin
Maximise the effectiveness and life of your plant equipment
Predict the future using data from the past
Optimise your plant’s processes
Data-driven sustainability reporting, compliance and ESG optimisation